Node: Environment

Component: EnvironmentalEffects

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➨ Fields

Bindable node to setup rendering and culling parameters

HTML Encoding and Default Values

<Environment bind='false' bindTime='null' description='""' enableARC='false' frustumCulling='true' gammaCorrectionDefault='"linear"' isActive='false' isBound='false' lowPriorityCulling='false' lowPriorityFactor='-1' lowPriorityThreshold='1.0' maxFrameRate='62.5' metadata='X3DMetadataObject' minFrameRate='1.0' occlusionCulling='false' occlusionVisibilityFactor='-1' occlusionVisibilityThreshold='0.0' shadowExcludeTransparentObjects='false' smallFeatureCulling='false' smallFeatureFactor='-1' smallFeatureThreshold='1.0' sortTrans='true' SSAO='"false"' SSAOamount='"1.0"' SSAOblurDepthTreshold='"5"' SSAOradius='"4"' SSAOrandomTextureSize='"4"' tessellationDetailCulling='false' tessellationErrorFactor='-1' tessellationErrorThreshold='0.0' tonemapping='"none"' userDataFactor='-1' ></Environment>


These are the X3D / X3DOM fields of this node. Values should usually be received / set as strings via DOM functions (i.e., using setAttribute("myFieldName", "myFieldValue") and getAttribute("myFieldName")).
Name Type Default Value Range Inheritance Standard Description
bind SFBool false Core/X3DBindableNode Pushes/pops the node on/from the top of the bindable stack
bindTime SFTime null Core/X3DBindableNode Event sent reporting timestamp when node becomes active/inactive. Only appears in messages
description SFString "" Core/X3DBindableNode Description of the bindable node
enableARC SFBool false Experimental: If true ARC adjusts rendering parameters
frustumCulling SFBool true If TRUE, objects outside the viewing frustum are ignored
gammaCorrectionDefault SFString "linear" The gamma correction to apply by default, see lighting and gamma tutorial
isActive SFBool false Core/X3DBindableNode
isBound SFBool false Core/X3DBindableNode Output event true gets sent when node becomes bound and activated, otherwise output event false gets sent when node becomes unbound and deactivated. Only appears in messages
lowPriorityCulling SFBool false If TRUE and occlusion culling supported, only threshold fraction of objects, sorted by their screen space coverage, are rendered
lowPriorityFactor SFFloat -1 [0,1] or -1 Experimenal: Factor of low priority culling for controlling speed-performance trade-off
lowPriorityThreshold SFFloat 1.0 [0,1] Only threshold fraction of objects, sorted by their screen space coverage, are rendered
maxFrameRate SFFloat 62.5 [1,inf] Experimental: Define maximal target frame-rate for dynamic moments and quality-speed trade-off
metadata SFNode X3DMetadataObject Core/X3DNode Field to add metadata information
minFrameRate SFFloat 1.0 [1,inf] Experimental: Define minimal target frame-rate for static moments and quality-speed trade-off
occlusionCulling SFBool false If TRUE and occlusion culling supported, objects occluding less than the threshold below are ignored
occlusionVisibilityFactor SFFloat -1 [0,1] or -1 Experimenal: Factor of occlusion culling for controlling speed-performance trade-off
occlusionVisibilityThreshold SFFloat 0.0 [0,1] Objects occluding less than the threshold below are ignored
shadowExcludeTransparentObjects SFBool false Transparent objects like glass do not throw much shadow, enable this IR convenience flag with TRUE
smallFeatureCulling SFBool false If TRUE, objects smaller than the threshold below are ignored
smallFeatureFactor SFFloat -1 [0,1] or -1 Experimenal: Factor of small feature culling for controlling speed-performance trade-off
smallFeatureThreshold SFFloat 1.0 Objects smaller than the threshold below are ignored
sortTrans SFBool true If TRUE, transparent objects are sorted from back to front (allows explicitly disabling sorting)
SSAO SFBool "false" Flag to enable Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
SSAOamount SFFloat 0" Value that determines the amount of contribution of SSAO (from 0 to 1)
SSAOblurDepthTreshold SFFloat "5" Value that determines the maximum depth difference for the SSAO blurring pass. Pixels with higher depth difference to the filer kernel center are not incorporated into the average.
SSAOradius SFFloat "4" Value that determines the radius in which the SSAO is sampled in world space
SSAOrandomTextureSize SFFloat "4" Value that determines the size of the random texture used for sparse sampling of SSAO
tessellationDetailCulling SFBool false If TRUE, shape tesselation is lowered as long as resulting error is lower than threshold
tessellationErrorFactor SFFloat -1 [0,1] or -1 Experimenal: Factor of tesselation error for controlling speed-performance trade-off
tessellationErrorThreshold SFFloat 0.0 [0,1] Shape tesselation is lowered as long as resulting error is lower than threshold
tonemapping SFString "none" ["none", "reinhard", "uncharted", "filmic"] Specifies the used tonemapping operator
userDataFactor SFFloat -1 [0,1] or -1 Experimenal: Factor of user data for controlling speed-performance trade-off