HTML Encoding and Default Values⤴
bboxColor='1, 1, 0'
- Core/X3DNode(18)
- Core/X3DChildNode(19)
- Grouping/X3DBoundedObject(3)
- Grouping/X3DGroupingNode(17)
- GeoTransform
These are the X3D / X3DOM fields of this node. Values should usually be received / set as strings via
DOM functions (i.e., using
setAttribute("myFieldName", "myFieldValue")
Name | Type | Default Value | Range | Inheritance | Standard | Description |
bboxCenter | SFVec3f | 0,0,0 | [-inf, inf] | Grouping/X3DBoundedObject | Center of the bounding box | |
bboxColor | SFColor | 1, 1, 0 | Grouping/X3DBoundedObject | Color of the bounding box | ||
bboxDisplay | SFVec3f | false | Grouping/X3DBoundedObject | Flag to enable display of the bounding box | ||
bboxMargin | SFFloat | 0.01 | [-inf, inf] | Grouping/X3DBoundedObject | Size of additional margin around the bounding box scaled up by the diameter. | |
bboxSize | SFVec3f | -1,-1,-1 | [0, inf] or -1 | Grouping/X3DBoundedObject | Size of the bounding box | |
children | MFNode | X3DChildNode | Grouping/X3DGroupingNode | Grouping nodes have a field that contains a list of children nodes. Each grouping node defines a coordinate space for its children. This coordinate space is relative to the coordinate space of the node of which the group node is a child. Such a node is called a parent node. This means that transformations accumulate down the scene graph hierarchy. | ||
geoCenter | SFVec3d | 0,0,0 | The geoCenter field specifies, in the spatial reference frame specified by the geoSystem field, the location at which the local coordinate system is centered. | |||
geoOrigin | SFNode | Grouping/Transform | The geoOrigin field is used to specify a local coordinate frame for extended precision. | |||
geoSystem | MFString | ['GD','WE'] | {["GD", ...], ["UTM", ...], ["GC", ...]} | The geoSystem field is used to define the spatial reference frame. | ||
globalGeoOrigin | SFBool | false | The globalGeoOrigin field specifies whether a GeoOrigin should be applied to child nodes. The default is false which means that GeoOrigin nodes are expected to have been provided to child nodes. A true value means that GeoOrigin nodes are expected to have been omitted from child nodes. In this case, the GeoOrigin of the GeoTransform is applied to the child nodes as if GeoOrigin nodes had been provided to child nodes. A true value in combination with provided GeoOrigin in child nodes leads to undefined behaviour. | |||
metadata | SFNode | X3DMetadataObject | Core/X3DNode | Field to add metadata information | ||
render | SFBool | true | Grouping/X3DBoundedObject | Flag to enable/disable rendering | ||
rotation | SFRotation | 0,0,1,0 | Defines the rotation component of the transformation. | |||
scale | SFVec3f | 1,1,1 | Defines the scale component of the transformation. | |||
scaleOrientation | SFRotation | 0,0,1,0 | The scaleOrientation specifies a rotation of the coordinate system before the scale (to specify scales in arbitrary orientations). The scaleOrientation applies only to the scale operation. | |||
translation | SFVec3f | 0,0,0 | The translation field specifies a translation to the coordinate system. | |||
visible | SFBool | true | Grouping/X3DBoundedObject | Flag to enable/disable rendering, alias for render |