Node: GeoViewpoint

X3D: 3.3
Component: Geospatial

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➨ Fields

The GeoViewpoint node allows the specification of a viewpoint in terms of a geospatial coordinate. This node can be used wherever a Viewpoint node can be used and can be combined with Viewpoint nodes in the same scene.

HTML Encoding and Default Values

<GeoViewpoint bind='false' bindTime='null' centerOfRotation='0,0,0' description='""' elevationScaling='true' farClippingPlane='-1' fieldOfView='0.785398' geoOrigin='x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DViewpointNode' geoSystem='['GD','WE']' headlight='undefined' isActive='false' isBound='false' metadata='X3DMetadataObject' navigationInfo='null' navType='undefined' nearClippingPlane='-1' orientation='0,0,1,0' position='0,0,100000' speedFactor='1.0' viewAll='false' ></GeoViewpoint>


These are the X3D / X3DOM fields of this node. Values should usually be received / set as strings via DOM functions (i.e., using setAttribute("myFieldName", "myFieldValue") and getAttribute("myFieldName")).
Name Type Default Value Range Inheritance Standard Description
bind SFBool false Core/X3DBindableNode Pushes/pops the node on/from the top of the bindable stack
bindTime SFTime null Core/X3DBindableNode Event sent reporting timestamp when node becomes active/inactive. Only appears in messages
centerOfRotation SFVec3f 0,0,0 The centerOfRotation field specifies a center about which to rotate the user's eyepoint when in EXAMINE mode. The coordinates are provided in the coordinate system specified by geoSystem.
description SFString "" Core/X3DBindableNode Description of the bindable node
elevationScaling SFBool true Enable/disable elevation scaled speed for automatic adjustment of user movement as recommended in spec. Custom field to allow disabling for performance
farClippingPlane SFFloat -1 -1 or [0, inf] Navigation/X3DViewpointNode Specifies the far clipping plane, alias for zFar
fieldOfView SFFloat 0.785398 [0, pi] Preferred minimum viewing angle from this viewpoint in radians. Small field of view roughly corresponds to a telephoto lens, large field of view roughly corresponds to a wide-angle lens. Hint: modifying Viewpoint distance to object may be better for zooming. Warning: fieldOfView may not be correct for different window sizes and aspect ratios. Interchange profile hint: this field may be ignored.
geoOrigin SFNode Navigation/X3DViewpointNode The geoOrigin field is used to specify a local coordinate frame for extended precision.
geoSystem MFString ['GD','WE'] {["GD", ...], ["UTM", ...], ["GC", ...]} The geoSystem field is used to define the spatial reference frame.
headlight SFBool undefined Enable/disable directional light that always points in the direction the user is looking. Removed in X3D V3.3. See NavigationInfo still supported but required changing default to undefined since could be already given by NavigationInfo
isActive SFBool false Core/X3DBindableNode
isBound SFBool false Core/X3DBindableNode Output event true gets sent when node becomes bound and activated, otherwise output event false gets sent when node becomes unbound and deactivated. Only appears in messages
metadata SFNode X3DMetadataObject Core/X3DNode Field to add metadata information
navigationInfo SFBool null Navigation/X3DViewpointNode Defines a dedicated NavigationInfo node for this X3DViewpointNode. The specified NavigationInfo node receives a set_bind TRUE event at the time when the parent node is bound and receives a set_bind FALSE at the time when the parent node is unbound.
navType MFString undefined Specifies the navigation type. Removed in X3D V3.3. See NavigationInfo still supported but required changing default to undefined since could be already given by NavigationInfo
nearClippingPlane SFFloat -1 -1 or [0, inf] Navigation/X3DViewpointNode Specifies the near clipping plane, alias for zNear
orientation SFRotation 0,0,1,0 The orientation fields of the Viewpoint node specifies relative orientation to the default orientation.
position SFVec3d 0,0,100000 The position fields of the Viewpoint node specifies a relative location in the local coordinate system. The coordinates are provided in the coordinate system specified by geoSystem.
speedFactor SFFloat 1.0 [0, inf] The speedFactor field of the GeoViewpoint node is used as a multiplier to the elevation-based velocity that the node sets internally; i.e., this is a relative value and not an absolute speed as is the case for the NavigationInfo node.
viewAll SFBool false Navigation/X3DViewpointNode When the viewAll field is set to TRUE or a viewpoint is bound with viewAll field TRUE, the current view is modified to change the centerOfRotation field to match center of the bounding box for the entire visible scene, and the orientation field is modified to aim at that point. Finally, the zoom position or fieldofview is adjusted to contain the entire scene in the current viewing window. If needed, the near and far clipping planes shall be adjusted to allow viewing the entire scene. When the value of the viewAll field is changed from TRUE to FALSE, no change in the current view occurs.