HTML Encoding and Default Values⤴
bboxColor='1, 1, 0'
jointBindingPositions='[0 0 0]'
jointBindingRotations='[0 0 1 0]'
jointBindingScales='[1 1 1]'
- Core/X3DNode(18)
- Core/X3DChildNode(19)
- Grouping/X3DBoundedObject(3)
- Grouping/X3DGroupingNode(17)
- Grouping/X3DTransformNode(3)
- Grouping/Transform(4)
- HAnimHumanoid
These are the X3D / X3DOM fields of this node. Values should usually be received / set as strings via
DOM functions (i.e., using
setAttribute("myFieldName", "myFieldValue")
Name | Type | Default Value | Range | Inheritance | Standard | Description |
bboxCenter | SFVec3f | 0,0,0 | [-inf, inf] | Grouping/X3DBoundedObject | Center of the bounding box | |
bboxColor | SFColor | 1, 1, 0 | Grouping/X3DBoundedObject | Color of the bounding box | ||
bboxDisplay | SFVec3f | false | Grouping/X3DBoundedObject | Flag to enable display of the bounding box | ||
bboxMargin | SFFloat | 0.01 | [-inf, inf] | Grouping/X3DBoundedObject | Size of additional margin around the bounding box scaled up by the diameter. | |
bboxSize | SFVec3f | -1,-1,-1 | [0, inf] or -1 | Grouping/X3DBoundedObject | Size of the bounding box | |
center | SFVec3f | 0,0,0 | Grouping/Transform | The center field specifies a translation offset from the origin of the local coordinate system (0,0,0). | ||
children | MFNode | X3DChildNode | Grouping/X3DGroupingNode | Grouping nodes have a field that contains a list of children nodes. Each grouping node defines a coordinate space for its children. This coordinate space is relative to the coordinate space of the node of which the group node is a child. Such a node is called a parent node. This means that transformations accumulate down the scene graph hierarchy. | ||
info | MFString | [] | The info field consists of a sequence of strings, each of which is of the form term=value. The following terms are defined in this International Standard: authorName authorEmail copyright creationDate usageRestrictions humanoidVersion age gender height weight The gender term typically has a value of female, male or neuter. The humanoidVersion term refers to the version of the humanoid being used, in order to track revisions to the data. It is not the same as the version field of the Humanoid object, which refers to the version of the H-Anim specification that was used when building the humanoid. Additional term=value pairs may be included as needed for specific applications. | |||
jointBindingPositions | MFVec3f | [0 0 0] | The jointBindingPositions field specifies position values, respectively, associated with the array of Joint objects contained in the joints field. If only one value is provided (such as the default value) then it is applied to all listed Joint objects equivalently. Applying each set of these translation, rotation, and scale values, in order, to the corresponding Joint objects maps a skeleton to the binding pose. | |||
jointBindingRotations | MFVec3f | [0 0 1 0] | The jointBindingRotations field specifies position values, respectively, associated with the array of Joint objects contained in the joints field. If only one value is provided (such as the default value) then it is applied to all listed Joint objects equivalently. Applying each set of these translation, rotation, and scale values, in order, to the corresponding Joint objects maps a skeleton to the binding pose. | |||
jointBindingScales | MFVec3f | [1 1 1] | The jointBindingScales field specifies scale values, respectively, associated with the array of Joint objects contained in the joints field. If only one value is provided (such as the default value) then it is applied to all listed Joint objects equivalently. Applying each set of these translation, rotation, and scale values, in order, to the corresponding Joint objects maps a skeleton to the binding pose. | |||
joints | MFNode | HAnimJoint | The joints field contains a list of references, one for each Joint object defined within the skeleton field hierarchy of the Humanoid object. The order in which the joints are listed is irrelevant since the names of the joints are stored in the Joint objects themselves. The references to contained Joint objects may be used to support inverse kinematics (IK) and other motion tools animating nodes found within the skeleton field. | |||
metadata | SFNode | X3DMetadataObject | Core/X3DNode | Field to add metadata information | ||
name | SFString | "" | The name field, which shall be present, and which shall not have the empty string value, stores the name of the humanoid defined by the Humanoid object. | |||
render | SFBool | true | Grouping/X3DBoundedObject | Flag to enable/disable rendering | ||
rotation | SFRotation | 0,0,1,0 | Grouping/Transform | The rotation field specifies a rotation of the coordinate system. | ||
scale | SFVec3f | 1,1,1 | Grouping/Transform | The scale field specifies a non-uniform scale of the coordinate system. Scale values may have any value: positive, negative (indicating a reflection), or zero. A value of zero indicates that any child geometry shall not be displayed. | ||
scaleOrientation | SFRotation | 0,0,1,0 | Grouping/Transform | The scaleOrientation specifies a rotation of the coordinate system before the scale (to specify scales in arbitrary orientations). The scaleOrientation applies only to the scale operation. | ||
segments | MFNode | HAnimSegment | The segments field contains a list of references, one for each Segment object defined within the skeleton field hierarchy of the Humanoid object. The order in which the segments are listed is irrelevant since the names of the segments are stored in the Segment objects themselves. The references to contained Segment objects may be used to support inverse kinematics (IK) and other motion tools animating nodes found within the skeleton field. | |||
sites | MFNode | HAnimSite | The sites field contains a list of references, one for each Site object defined within the skeleton field hierarchy of the Humanoid object. The order in which the sites are listed is irrelevant since the names of the sites are stored in the Site objects themselves. The references to contained Site objects may be used to support inverse kinematics (IK) and other motion tools animating nodes found within the skeleton field. | |||
skeletalConfiguration | MFVec3f | 'BASIC' | The skeletalConfiguration field identifies the skeletal configuration of this model. Any models that share the same skeletalConfiguration value can also share skeletal animation data. The only specific skeletal configuration defined in this International Standard is the "BASIC" skeletal configuration specified in 4.8.1 Overview. Since the default value of the skeletal configuration is "BASIC", a humanoid model that specifies a skeletalConfiguration value of "BASIC" shall conform to the restrictive skeletal model specified in 4.8.1 Overview. For any other value the model shall also contain one or more of the five binding fields. | |||
skeleton | MFNode | HAnimJoint | The skeleton field contains the humanoid_root Joint object. The Humanoid object is considered the parent object of the humanoid_root Joint object and defines a coordinate space for the humanoid_root Joint object. Thus, the Humanoid object's transformation affects the Joint object hierarchy in the skeleton field. A hierarchy of Joint objects is defined for each H-Anim humanoid figure within the skeleton field of the Humanoid object and a hierarchical definition of joints is present even when the geometry of the humanoid figure is not defined within the skeleton field. The skeleton field can also contain zero or more Site objects which allow landmarks to be established with respect to the overall humanoid figure, but which are not affected by the movement of any of the Joint objects. | |||
skin | MFNode | Core/X3DChildNode | The skin field contains one or more indexed mesh definitions. Those indexed mesh definitions utilize the point and normal data that is defined within the skinCoord and skinNormal fields, respectively, of the Humanoid object. This field is defined as an generic type for which the specific representation is defined by each binding to a presentation system. | |||
skinBindingCoords | MFVec3f | [] | The skinBindingCoords field specifies an array of vertex locations that define the mesh in the binding pose. For each set of values corresponding to a given pose, the same vertex indexing system that is used for the skinCoord field also applies to this field. | |||
skinBindingNormals | MFVec3f | [] | The skinBindingNormals field specifies an array of normal vectors that define the mesh normal vectors in the binding pose. For each set of values corresponding to a given pose, the same normal indexing system used for the skinNormal field also applies to this field. | |||
skinCoord | SFNode | Rendering/X3DCoordinateNode | The skinCoord field contains a single sequence of points which are used by the internal mechanisms of the Humanoid object to create the appropriate surface deformations as well as by the indexed mesh definitions within the skin field which do the actual rendering of the surface geometry. | |||
skinNormal | SFNode | X3DNormalNode | The skinNormal field contains the normal data definition which is used by the internal mechanisms of the Humanoid object to create the appropriate surface deformations as well as the indexed mesh definitions within the skin field which contains the actual surface geometry that is rendered. | |||
translation | SFVec3f | 0,0,0 | Grouping/Transform | The translation field specifies a translation to the coordinate system. | ||
version | SFString | "" | The version field stores the version of this International Standard to which the Humanoid object conforms. The version value for International Standard V2.0 is "2.0". | |||
viewpoints | MFNode | HAnimSite | The viewpoints field has a different functionality and behaviour than the joints, segments and sites fields. The viewpoints field can contain zero or more Site object definitions. The Site objects defined within this field are affected by the transformations applied to the Humanoid object, but are not affected by any of the transformations performed on the skeletal hierarchy defined within the skeleton field. The purpose of these Site objects is to define locations for virtual cameras in the reference frame of the Humanoid object. Site objects that are defined in this manner are intended to be used as attachment points from which a certain viewing perspective can be seen (such as viewing the face or profile of the human figure). | |||
visible | SFBool | true | Grouping/X3DBoundedObject | Flag to enable/disable rendering, alias for render |