HTML Encoding and Default Values⤴
bboxColor='1, 1, 0'
- Core/X3DNode(18)
- Core/X3DChildNode(19)
- Grouping/X3DBoundedObject(3)
- Grouping/X3DGroupingNode(17)
- X3DLODNode(3)
These are the X3D / X3DOM fields of this node. Values should usually be received / set as strings via
DOM functions (i.e., using
setAttribute("myFieldName", "myFieldValue")
Name | Type | Default Value | Range | Inheritance | Standard | Description |
bboxCenter | SFVec3f | 0,0,0 | [-inf, inf] | Grouping/X3DBoundedObject | Center of the bounding box | |
bboxColor | SFColor | 1, 1, 0 | Grouping/X3DBoundedObject | Color of the bounding box | ||
bboxDisplay | SFVec3f | false | Grouping/X3DBoundedObject | Flag to enable display of the bounding box | ||
bboxMargin | SFFloat | 0.01 | [-inf, inf] | Grouping/X3DBoundedObject | Size of additional margin around the bounding box scaled up by the diameter. | |
bboxSize | SFVec3f | -1,-1,-1 | [0, inf] or -1 | Grouping/X3DBoundedObject | Size of the bounding box | |
center | SFVec3f | 0,0,0 | X3DLODNode | The center field is a translation offset in the local coordinate system that specifies the centre of the LOD node for distance calculations. | ||
children | MFNode | X3DChildNode | Grouping/X3DGroupingNode | Grouping nodes have a field that contains a list of children nodes. Each grouping node defines a coordinate space for its children. This coordinate space is relative to the coordinate space of the node of which the group node is a child. Such a node is called a parent node. This means that transformations accumulate down the scene graph hierarchy. | ||
forceTransitions | SFBool | false | X3DLODNode | The forceTransitions field specifies whether browsers are allowed to disregard level distances in order to provide better performance. | ||
level_changed | SFInt32 | 0 | [0, inf] | outputOnly field which is emitted when the level changes to another range index. When L(d) is activated for display, the LOD node generates a level_changed event with value i where the value of i identifies which value of L was activated for display. Indicates current level of LOD children when activated. | ||
metadata | SFNode | X3DMetadataObject | Core/X3DNode | Field to add metadata information | ||
range | MFFloat | [] | [0, inf] | Camera-to-object distance transitions for each child level, where range values go from near to far. For n range values, you must have n+1 child levels! Hint: can add an empty Group node as nonrendering final child. | ||
render | SFBool | true | Grouping/X3DBoundedObject | Flag to enable/disable rendering | ||
visible | SFBool | true | Grouping/X3DBoundedObject | Flag to enable/disable rendering, alias for render |