Node: NavigationInfo

X3D: 3.3
Component: Navigation

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➨ Fields

NavigationInfo describes the viewing model and physical characteristics of the viewer's avatar. Hint: for inspection of simple objects, usability often improves with type='EXAMINE' 'ANY' Hint: NavigationInfo types ''WALK' 'FLY'' support camera-to-object collision detection. Background, Fog, NavigationInfo, TextureBackground and Viewpoint are bindable nodes.

HTML Encoding and Default Values

<NavigationInfo avatarSize='[ 0.25, 1.6, 0.75 ]' bind='false' bindTime='null' description='""' explorationMode=''all'' headlight='true' isActive='false' isBound='false' metadata='X3DMetadataObject' reverseScroll='false' speed='1.0' transitionTime='1.0' transitionType='["LINEAR"]' type='["EXAMINE","ANY"]' typeParams='[-0.4,60,0.05,2.8]' visibilityLimit='0.0' walkDamping='2.0' ></NavigationInfo>


These are the X3D / X3DOM fields of this node. Values should usually be received / set as strings via DOM functions (i.e., using setAttribute("myFieldName", "myFieldValue") and getAttribute("myFieldName")).
Name Type Default Value Range Inheritance Standard Description
avatarSize MFFloat 75 ] avatarSize triplet values are: (a) collision distance between user and geometry (near culling plane of the view frustrum) (b) viewer height above terrain (c) tallest height viewer can WALK over. Hint: keep (avatarSize.CollisionDistance / visibilityLimit) less then; 10,000 to avoid aliasing artifacts (i.e. polygon 'tearing'). Interchange profile hint: this field may be ignored.
bind SFBool false Core/X3DBindableNode Pushes/pops the node on/from the top of the bindable stack
bindTime SFTime null Core/X3DBindableNode Event sent reporting timestamp when node becomes active/inactive. Only appears in messages
description SFString "" Core/X3DBindableNode Description of the bindable node
explorationMode SFString 'all' [all, pan, zoom, rotate, -pan, -zoom, -rotate, none] allows restricting examine and turntable navigation, overrides mouse buttons (useful for special viewers)
headlight SFBool true Enable/disable directional light that always points in the direction the user is looking.
isActive SFBool false Core/X3DBindableNode
isBound SFBool false Core/X3DBindableNode Output event true gets sent when node becomes bound and activated, otherwise output event false gets sent when node becomes unbound and deactivated. Only appears in messages
metadata SFNode X3DMetadataObject Core/X3DNode Field to add metadata information
reverseScroll SFBool false Enable/disable reversed mousewheel scrolling to zoom.
speed SFFloat 1.0 [0, inf] Default rate at which viewer travels through scene, meters/second. Warning: default 1 m/s usually seems slow for ordinary navigation. Interchange profile hint: this field may be ignored.
transitionTime SFTime 1.0 [0, inf] The transitionTime field specifies the duration of any viewpoint transition
transitionType MFString ["LINEAR"] [LINEAR, TELEPORT, ANIMATE, ...] Specifies the transition mode.
type MFString ["EXAMINE","ANY"] {"ANY","WALK","EXAMINE","FLY","LOOKAT","NONE","EXPLORE",...} defines the navigation type
typeParams MFFloat 8] Specifies the view angle and height for helicopter mode and min/max rotation angle for turntable in ]0, PI[, starting from +y (0) down to -y (PI)
visibilityLimit SFFloat 0.0 [0, inf] Geometry beyond the visibilityLimit may not be rendered (far culling plane of the view frustrum). visibilityLimit=0.0 indicates an infinite visibility limit. Hint: keep visibilityLimit greater than zero. Hint: keep (avatarSize.CollisionDistance / visibilityLimit) less than 10,000 to avoid aliasing artifacts (i.e. polygon 'tearing'). Interchange profile hint: this field may be ignored.
walkDamping SFFloat 2.0 Factor for damping the walk animation Interchange profile hint: this field may be ignored.