HTML Encoding and Default Values⤴
These are the X3D / X3DOM fields of this node. Values should usually be received / set as strings via
DOM functions (i.e., using
setAttribute("myFieldName", "myFieldValue")
Name | Type | Default Value | Range | Inheritance | Standard | Description |
bind | SFBool | false | Core/X3DBindableNode | Pushes/pops the node on/from the top of the bindable stack | ||
bindTime | SFTime | null | Core/X3DBindableNode | Event sent reporting timestamp when node becomes active/inactive. Only appears in messages | ||
color | SFColor | (1,1,1) | [0,1] | X3DFogNode | Objects located outside the visibilityRange from the viewer are drawn with a constant colour of color. Objects very close to the viewer are blended very little with the fog color. | |
description | SFString | "" | Core/X3DBindableNode | Description of the bindable node | ||
fogType | SFString | "LINEAR" | {"LINEAR","EXPONENTIAL"} | X3DFogNode | The fogType field controls how much of the fog colour is blended with the object as a function of distance. If fogType is "LINEAR", the amount of blending is a linear function of the distance, resulting in a depth cueing effect. If fogType is "EXPONENTIAL," an exponential increase in blending is used, resulting in a more natural fog appearance. | |
isActive | SFBool | false | Core/X3DBindableNode | |||
isBound | SFBool | false | Core/X3DBindableNode | Output event true gets sent when node becomes bound and activated, otherwise output event false gets sent when node becomes unbound and deactivated. Only appears in messages | ||
metadata | SFNode | X3DMetadataObject | Core/X3DNode | Field to add metadata information | ||
visibilityRange | SFFloat | 0 | [0, -inf] | X3DFogNode | The visibilityRange specifies the distance in length base units (in the local coordinate system) at which objects are totally obscured by the fog. A visibilityRange of 0.0 disables the Fog node. The visibilityRange is affected by the scaling transformations of the Fog node's parents; translations and rotations have no affect on visibilityRange. |